Hi Dear One,

I’m Ivona Bhadha, LCSW.

Thank you for being here. I strongly believe that together, we can create a roadmap back to reconnecting with your strengths in order to restore the mind, body, and heart.

The first step in this process involves identifying your “heart’s desire” — in other words, what it is that you want most for yourself in therapy. I help you gain clarity on what change you want to create in your lives and relationships. Then, I guide you in releasing the obstacles that are in the way of reaching what you truly long for. I like to describe this process as a “deep dive into your inner world with the purpose of self-discovery, transformation, and reviving the Authentic Self.”

I consider myself a “cartographer;” you tell me where you want to go and I will draw a map for you with all resources you need to build capacities for trust, connection, and feeing safe in the world. This map will accompany you during our therapeutic process and beyond.

My wish is for you to feel comfortable in your skin, safe with others, and meet life’s challenges with confidence. It would truly be my privilege to help guide you in your journey.