Couples & Marriage Therapy

  • Does it feel like there is a huge disconnect when it comes to communication between you and your partner?

  • Do you constantly fight about everything, even the smallest of issues?

  • Has the intimacy and closeness in your relationship suffered because you can’t seem to get on the same page?

Whether you’ve been with your partner for a year, ten years, or forty years―every single couple goes through ups and downs and will face their own unique issues and concerns. When one problem is resolved, another will arise: this is simply how life works. And from time to time, small and large stressors can affect us all.

Relationships are complex because there are two distinct people each playing a role within it. Regardless of how similarly you and your partner were raised, you two are still unique individuals with independent opinions, mindsets, and personalities. This is one of the best parts of a relationship — finding someone you are genuinely compatible with and with whom you want to spend your life. Unfortunately, differing personalities or priorities can also lead to disagreements, fighting, and hostility.

There are many reasons why your relationship might hit a speed bump. Money issues, conflict of parenting styles, and work-related stress are all extremely common problems for couples, and there is no shame in finding yourself experiencing one (or many) of them. Often, a lack of communication lies at the root of many of these issues.

Fortunately, with the help of a couples therapist, you can establish better communication skills with your partner and learn to manage life’s stressors as a team.

It’s very common for couples to begin blaming one another or becoming defensive when relationship problems arise. As a couples therapist, I’ve seen firsthand just how beneficial it is when each partner comes to understand the role they play in relationship issues. It’s not a blame game, nor is one party solely responsible for all issues in the relationship. It may be true that there is a fair amount of pursuing and withdrawing in your relationship; you try to open up, and your partner emotionally shuts you down. Or maybe you can’t even pinpoint exactly what your problem is, but there obviously is one. Whatever the situation, I’ve worked with couples on a whole spectrum of emotional availability and communication skills. If both partners want the relationship to work, there are breakthroughs to be had.

Perhaps you’re interested in couples therapy, but you still have some concerns…

What if couples therapy won’t work for us?

It’s completely normal to be hesitant about putting yourself in the hands of a stranger to help your relationship. For many couples, seeking outside help feels like an admission that they couldn’t solve the problems on their own. My goal isn’t to tell you how to solve your problems. Rather, I am here to help you both find a new, unbiased, healthy way to stimulate intimate conversation so you learn how to work through life’s challenges together.

We don’t have time for couples therapy.

Your time is valuable, and I completely understand. However, your relationship is likely one of the most important things in your life. It’s an investment; one that is worthwhile to nourish. If you make the time to engage in even just a few couples sessions, I am positive that it will help your relationship greatly in the long run. I also offer video teleconferencing for couples who are in a long-distance relationship, aren’t in the area, or prefer this mode of therapy.

What if my partner doesn’t want to come to couples therapy?

For a relationship to work, both parties have to be equally invested. If your partner has concerns, I recommend you ask them to give me a call. I can answer any questions they may have, and help them understand just how much therapy can benefit both of you. If they still don’t want to come, you are encouraged to seek therapy for yourself and use your new skills and understanding to motivate your partner to join.

Start Improving Your Relationship

If you would like help to achieve greater intimacy and understanding in your relationship, please contact me for a free consultation to learn how couples therapy can help your relationship flourish.