Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is a modified form of cognitive therapy that incorporates mindfulness practices, including awareness of the present moment, meditation, and breath work techniques. This therapy was formulated to address depressive symptoms. Using these tools, the mindfulness-based therapist teaches a client to ground themselves in the here and now, as well as break away from negative thought patterns that can cause a decline into a mood-disordered state. This therapy can help a person fight off a difficult frame of mind before it takes hold.
I was trained in 2012 by one of the developers and researchers of MBCT, Zindel Segal, who combined this stress reduction strategy with cognitive behavioral therapy.
MBCT was developed for people to prevent relapse from recurring episodes of depression or deep unhappiness, but also has shown to be effective with generalized anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, general emotional distress, and addiction recovery.
I am a daily meditation practitioner and strongly believe that mindfulness meditation is a cornerstone of general well-being.