Women’s Group Coaching

Resource Women’s Group 


  • Healing the nervous system: Responding appropriately to the challenges of daily living 

  • Setting healthy boundaries and limits; healing past exploitations

  • Regulating stress responses: Practices that shift our bodies and minds to a state of safety and connection

  • Self-Leadership: learning to “separate” from one’s protective parts and returning to Self-Energy

    (8 C’s qualities : compassion, calm, clarity, curiosity, courage, confidence, connectedness, creativity)


  • Internal Family Systems (IFS): This approach teaches us how to do our own self-therapy, as well as guides us to befriend challenging parts of ourselves (Inner Critic, Indulger, Rage..etc). This model facilitates healing and unburdening  of inner child wounds (“Mirror work without mirror”).

  • Polyvagal Theory practices for Calm and Change: This theory teaches us how to respond to stress appropriately and move toward organization of thoughts/feelings, engagement with others, and hope/resources

  • Somatic Practices: Our body gives us signals about safety/dangers/threats — using these practices, we can shift body sensations toward a helpful state and respond with calm and clarity

  • Healing Developmental Trauma: Shifting from survival strategies to core capacities

    1. Capacity for connection to self and others

    2. Capacity to be attuned to our needs and emotions and move toward meeting those needs 

    3. Capacity to trust (healthy dependency and interdependence)

    4. Capacity to have autonomy (boundaries)

    5. Love-Sexuality (integration of love and vital sexuality)